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Itaewon Leather Jacket Good Price and Design


It's in front of the Moon leather store that comes to mind when you think of leather jackets in Itaewon.
It's cheap, but it's also on sale often, so you can stop by when you come to Itaewon.
I'll draw it if it's cheap and the clothes aren't good, but the quality of the clothes here is really good.
If you see it in person, you may not understand why they sell it at such a low price.

It's a rider jacket, and I think it's probably the most sold jacket in Moon leather.
I think people who ride bikes will definitely buy it.
If you wear it stylishly, I think it's something you should pay attention to even if you don't have to ride a bike.

If you enter the Itaewon Moon leather store, you can see the leather jacket on sale right away.
We used to sell clothes that were left over, but now we can meet clothes in various sizes.
There is a subtle difference in jackets that look similar.

I heard that there is only one left, but honestly, I wanted to buy it.
I could have bought it if I had been on a good diet this year, but it's such a waste.
It looked good when I wore it to work.

I heard that shirt-type leather jackets are also popular these days.
I think it'll look cool if you wear it roughly in the fall, but there's a similar design.
I think they sell three or four kinds, but if you're curious about a shirt-type leather jacket, you can buy it in Itaewon Moon leather
You can try it on if you go.

This is a rare leather jacket made of deer leather.
Maybe that's why it was a little more expensive than a sheepskin jacket.
I heard that they made it custom-made and they had it as a sample, but I definitely only looked at the sheepskin jacket
The deer leather jacket has a different vibe.

Leather suits are also unique.
I've rarely seen anyone wear a leather suit.
I sometimes saw it in dramas and movies, but it smells like America in real life.
It is said that foreigners usually visit, and entertainment agencies often ask for orders.

Looking at the Itaewon leather jacket, autumn seems to be slowly approaching.
The reason why the Moon leather is good is because they told me that leather clothes are not expensive.
The price of clothes is very high these days, but the Moon leather jacket is hardly burdensome.
There are a lot of clothes on sale and new products are cheap, so if you go to Itaewon, make sure to look at the leather jacket.