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'moon leather'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. Itaewon Leather Jacket Shop moon Leather

Itaewon Leather Jacket Shop moon Leather



I visited Itaewon again in relation to my friend's custom-made leather clothes.
It's been a long time, but he hasn't come yet.
You can go into the store and look around, but I'm waiting outside.
It was better outside because it was autumn weather.



These are hats on display outside the store, mostly leather.
Usually, leather hats are expensive first, but they are quite cheap here.
You can buy a nice leather hat for about 20,000 won.
I was looking at my hat when a friend came to see me.
They say it took them a while to find the picture of the magazine he had been looking for.



Friend is consulting with the boss about leather clothes to make on order.
I listened by and decided to look at the clothes a little more.
Although there are so many different styles, I don't know why I'm taking orders.
There were many leather clothes that were similar to the magazine pictures my friend had taken.



Suddenly, the weather is cool and we can see other guests.
Foreigners are also coming in, and they seem to be looking at the outside and the lining very carefully.
Most of us, if we have a good style, buy it, but foreigners don't look that way.


When I asked Mr. Moon Ga-juk, the president of the company,

"What about foreigners?"
It's called a joke. We also get a lot of price boosts. Leather that also to tackle one by one.



There were lots of leather clothes, but this red one came into my eyes.
Even though it was a woman's clothes, I felt gorgeous and sophisticated.
The leather pattern looked like a snake. I don't know if it's right or wrong.



I'm looking at the leather hats again.
My friend spends a lot of time looking at samples of leather fabric.
What kind of clothes do you want? I don't know if it takes time.
If you take a good look at the leather hat, you can see something like a speck in it.
They say it's made of ostrich skin, but it's a little expensive.
Except for this one, it's 20,000 won.



We have leather gloves, credit cards, bags, shoes and belts.
As it specializes in leather clothing, you can see all leather-related products at a glance.
I left my order for 30 minutes after a lengthy consultation.
When I asked her why it took so long, she said she had a hard time choosing the right fabric for the price.
When I go to the wall to look for clothes, I ask them to come with me, and I wonder if the clothes are complete.