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영화 더 셀러 2022 지하실에 무언가가 있다


더 셀러 2022 (The cellar, 2022)라는 영화입니다.
The cellar은 지하실이라는 뜻을 가지고 있는데 포스터에 있는 문장을 해석해보면
고대 악마가 깨어났다고 적혀있어요.
그러니까 지하실에 고대악마를 만나게 되는 한 가족의 이야기를 다룬듯 합니다.
더 셀러 2022의 줄거리를 보면 키이라 우즈의 가족이 새 집으로 이사를 합니다.
집을 구경하던 도중 키이라 우즈의 딸이 지하실에 갖히게 되는데 어찌된 영문인지
문도 자동으로 닫히고 기현상들이 발생을 해요.
그리고 지하실에는 뭔가가 고대의 강력한 존재가 있는 것을 감지하게 됩니다.
영화 더 셀러와 비슷한 부류의 영화가 많아서 스토리도 예상이 되고 재미는 기대만큼 못할 것 같아요.

빅사이즈 기성복 정장과 맞춤정장을 판매하는 이태원 썬스타양복점


정장은 격식 있고 전문적인 모습을 연출하기 위해 사용됩니다. 
특히 업무 환경이나 공식적인 행사에서는 정장이 요구될 수 있습니다. 
정장은 신뢰와 신빙성을 나타내며, 프로페셔널한 이미지를 전달할 수 있습니다.
일부 사회 및 비즈니스 문화에서는 정장을 입는 것이 예절에 맞는 것으로 여겨집니다. 
정장은 존중과 예의를 나타내며, 상대방에 대한 존경과 중요성을 보여줄 수 있습니다.
예를 들어 결혼식, 돌잔치, 연례회 등과 같은 특별한 자리나 행사에서 정장은 많이 사용됩니다. 
이러한 자리에서 정장을 입는 것은 자리에 적합한 의상을 선택하는 예절적인 선택이며, 
행사의 공식성과 중요성을 나타낼 수 있습니다.
정장은 착용하는 사람에게 자신감과 성취감을 줄 수 있습니다. 
멋진 정장을 입으면 자신을 더욱 자신있게 느낄 수 있고, 외모와 스타일에 대한 자신감을 얻을 수 있습니다.
비즈니스 세계에서는 정장이 요구되는 상황이 많이 있을 수 있으며, 
이러한 예절을 따르기 위해 정장을 선택할 수 있습니다.
이태원에는 빅사이즈 기성복 정장과 맞춤 정장을 파는 썬스타양복점이 있습니다.
빅사이즈 정장을 입는 사람들은 다양한 이유로 선택할 수 있습니다. 
일부 사람들은 키가 크거나 몸무게가 큰 경우로 인해 일반적인 사이즈의 의류가 맞지 않을 수 있습니다. 
이런 경우, 빅사이즈 기성복은 신체에 편안하게 맞을 수 있는 선택입니다.
이태원 썬스타양복점은 다양한 스타일과 다양한 체형을 수용하고 있습니다. 
빅사이즈 정장은 일부 사람들에게 특정한 스타일이나 개성을 표현할 수 있는 옵션으로서 중요할 수 있습니다. 
또한, 패션적 요소를 고려하여 다양한 스타일의 옷을 제공하기도 합니다.
옷이 편안하게 맞을 때, 사람들은 자신감을 가지고 느낄 수 있습니다. 
빅사이즈 정장을 선택하면 뚱뚱한 체형에 맞게 제작된 의류를 입을 수 있으므로 편안함과 
자신감을 느낄 수 있습니다.
다양한 체형과 사이즈의 사람들이 모두 편안하게 옷을 입을 수 있는 옵션을 제공하는 썬스타양복점은
방문객들에게 최상의 서비스를 제공하는 곳으로 알려져 있습니다.

상호 : 썬스타양복점

주소 : 서울특별시 용산구 이태원로 164

전화 : 02-797-6029

인기 많은 가죽매장 서울 이태원에 있는 문가죽


가죽 제품이나 의류, 악세사리는 내구성과 품질로 인해 많은 사람들에게 인기가 있습니다.
가죽매장을 찾는 사람들은 가죽 제품에 대한 관심과 열정을 가지고 있을 가능성이 큽니다.
가죽아이템은 다양한 패션 스타일에 잘 어울리며 고급스러운 이미지를 갖고 있습니다.
스타일을 중요시하는 사람들은 가죽 제품을 찾아가는 경향이 있을 것입니다.
가죽 제품은 오랜 시간 동안 사용할 수 있는 내구성과 품질을 제공합니다.
이러한 속성을 중시하는 사람들은 가죽매장을 찾아 구입할 수 있습니다.
가죽매장에서는 다양한 가죽 제품을 구입할 수 있습니다.
가죽 자켓부터 코트, 바지, 지갑, 벨트, 가방, 신발, 구두, 장갑, 모자 등의 의류를 구입할 수 있습니다. 
다양한 스타일과 디자인의 의류가 제공되며, 특히 가죽 자켓은 인기가 있습니다.
가죽 제품은 고급스러운 느낌을 주기 때문에 액세서리로 많이 선택됩니다.
이외에도 가죽으로 만들어진 다양한 형태의 제품이 제공될 수 있습니다.
서울에 있는 이태원은 외국인 관광객과 외국인 거주민들이 많은 지역으로 알려져 있습니다. 
그리고 다양한 패션 스타일이 공존하는 지역으로 알려져 있습니다. 
이태원 문가죽에서는 힙스터, 빈티지, 스트릿 패션 등 다양한 스타일의 가죽 제품을 찾아볼 수 있습니다. 
개성적이고 독특한 아이템을 찾고자 하는 사람들에게 인기가 있습니다.
문가죽은 맞춤 제작 서비스를 제공하기도 합니다. 
고객의 요구에 따라 가죽 제품을 맞춤 제작하거나 사이즈 조절, 디자인 변경 등의 작업을 해줄 수 있습니다. 
이를 통해 고객들은 자신만의 독특한 가죽 제품을 소유할 수 있습니다.
그리고 다국적인 환경에서 운영되며, 외국어로 소통하는 직원들이 있을 수 있습니다. 
외국인 고객들을 위한 친절하고 편리한 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.
이태원은 가죽매장이 밀집해 있는 지역으로, 다양한 가죽매장들이 경쟁하고 있습니다. 
이를 통해 고객들은 다양한 상점을 비교하고 선택할 수 있는 장점을 가지고 있는데
경쟁이 치열한 만큼 이태원 문가족에서도 최상의 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.

상호 : 문가죽

주소 : 서울특별시 용산구 이태원로 169-1 1층 문가죽

전화 : 02-793-2104

추운 겨울엔 정장 살 때 코트까지 사는게 좋은 코디


겨울정장코디를 어떻게 하는게 좋을까 생각하다가 양복점으로 갔어요.
거리에서 사람들이 입는 스타일도 참고가 되지만 매장에 직접 가서 
입어보고 사장님 설명을 들어보는게 많은 도움이 되거든요.
겨울에 입을 남자정장코디는 두께감도 있고 코트는 필수라는 생각이 들어요.

양복점에 들어서면 입구부터 안쪽까지 코트가 진열되어 있어요.
종류도 색상도 다양합니다.
그래서인지 정장을 먼저봐야하지만 자연스레 코트부터 보게 되더라구요.
사이즈는 상당히 큽니다.
거의 빅사이즈로 봐도 무방해요.

코트 색상은 몇가지를 제외하곤 밝은색이 많았어요.
아무래도 정장은 어두운 색상으로 입기 때문에 겉에 입는 코트는 밝은게 좋다고 봅니다.
코트를 만져보면 보들보들하고 입어보면 확실히 멋있습니다.
겨울엔 역시 코트만한 옷도 없는 것 같아요.

코트는 반코트와 롱코트 두 종류가 있었는데 디자인이 다양합니다.
생각해보면 겨울정장코디는 의외로 쉽지가 않았어요.
따뜻함만을 강조했다면 두꺼운거 입으면 되겠지만
이왕 사는거 멋있게 사입는게 좋으니까요.

두꺼운 원단의 정장들도 살펴봤어요.
소재가 두꺼워서 춥지 않을땐 단일 정장으로 입고 다니기도 괜찮다고 합니다.
무게감이 약간 느껴졌고 모직이 촘촘했어요.
어느정도 보온이 잘 될거라는 생각이 듭니다.

정장에 코트까지 입어보니까 왠만한 추위는 끄떡 없을 것 같아요.
이 정도면 겨울정장코디로 손색이 없어보입니다.
멋도 중요하지만 겨울엔 보온에 중점을 둬야 감기에도 안걸리고 
따뜻하게 보낼 수 있으니까요.

디피된 옷을 꺼냈다가 다시 걸었다가 사장님이 우리 때문에 좀 바쁘셨어요.
기성복이 많이 준비가 되어 있었고 입어보고 싶은 옷들도 많았거든요.
경조사 같은 형식을 갖춘 옷을 찾는게 아니라서 여러가지 맘에 드는 옷은
거의 다 입어본 것 같기는 합니다.

정장은 어두운 색상으로 하고 코트는 밝은 색으로 선택을 했습니다.
유행인지는 모르겠지만 단추가 감춰지는 코트나 셔츠도 많이 입더라구요.
시간은 좀 많이 소요됐지만 코디는 잘 완성이 된 것 같아요.
정장과 코트를 구입하는데 맞춤정장 한 벌 가격도 안나와서
가성비는 정말 좋은 것 같아요.

Itaewon Suits Store When There's No Suit Size for Men


If you walk into the tailor's shop, you'll see traces of someone coming in and leaving your autograph
If you look closely at the autographs, they are athletes.
Athletes are basically very fit.
They will be in good shape and earn a lot of salary, but they will visit a tailor shop in Itaewon.

Usually, I think I'll go to Gangnam and dress up, but I don't think so.
The boss said that.
I go to another tailor shop and come to Itaewon when I don't have the right size for men's
This is a tailor shop specializing in big sizes.

So people who are big or exercise usually have to look for it.
What should I do if I go to the department store to buy a suit and there are no clothes that fit me?
It's not going to happen that much to ordinary people.

But there are people who are bigger than others.
So it's not easy for people who usually wear big sizes to buy clothes anywhere.
You can buy it on the Internet, but it's probably only casual.

Suits are not something you can wear roughly like casual clothes.
There are still many people who don't know, but if you want to buy a big size, it's the fastest way to go to Itaewon.
There are many Westerners who are bigger than Asians here.

So you can easily meet a place that sells big clothes or big suits in Itaewon.
There are many tailor-made suit shops in Itaewon, but they sell ready-to-wear clothes that you can buy right away 
There's also a tailor.
Consumers will have a wide range of choices in places that sell customized and ready-to-wear at the same time.

If you don't have a size that fits your body, you can easily solve it here.
They sell suits, coats, shoes, and jumpers.
They sell big sizes, so clothes, shoes, coats, and shirts here
There are few cases where you can't buy it.

And at the entrance of the tailor shop, you can see the phrase "tailored clothes" if possible
You'd better choose this one.
It's because they fix the ready-made clothes according to their body.
Then you can buy ready-to-wear, like a custom-made suit, at a very good cost.
If you want ready-to-wear clothes that cost a little to repair but have a fit and comfortable fit, and comfortable,
I don't think there's anything like tailoring.

If you want to buy big clothes with good style, go to Itaewon clothing store


Gone are the days when I only wear big clothes because I'm fat.
It's better to buy clothes with good style.
However, the weather is getting chilly and annoying to go around various stores.
There's a good clothing store when you go there.

There are too many big clothes here, so I'm worried about which clothes to buy.
There are bonded clothes and imported brands, but if you look at clothes, 
you don't need them I buy it.
That's how many clothes can open consumers' wallets.

There are also two stores in operation.
And each store is incredibly large.
I don't think it's going to be a big store like this in Seoul.
And they're packed with big clothes.

There are various styles, but there are also a lot of clothes.
Not only golf sports clothes, but also casual suits, 
and if you go to a department store, you can buy them at many stores 
The clothes are all gathered in one place.
There are all kinds of clothes.

As it is a clothing store that specializes in large clothes, the size is indescribably large.
I don't know about the top or jacket, but there are also clothes that are over 60 inches long.
It's big enough for two people with body types to fit in their pants
I'm surprised when I see it in person.

But there are people who wear pants that are over 60 inches long and fit well
I can't really believe it.
I've never seen it before.
But the boss who runs a clothing store often sees such big people.
I heard that most people can't even wear fat.

I'm watching a 4XL winter padded jacket and it feels like a sleeping bag for 
two people when I wear it.
I thought it would be possible to camp out with just this pair.
The 4XL itself is very big, but there are a lot of clothes that are ridiculously bigger than this.
It's so amazing that I wonder if it's what people wear.

As we live in an era of eating well, the Korean body type seems to follow the West a lot.
Maybe that's why you can often see places that sell big clothes like this.
But I don't think it's very common to have a clothing store that 
sells a lot of clothes in such a large store.
It's annoying to do a good job and if you want to finish shopping at once, 
I think this is a good store to visit.

a big-size suit set sufficient for off-the-shelf clothes


I came to Itaewon tailor shop, which is often found in rural areas.
I came here with a friend who said he needed a new suit, but he usually wore a custom-made suit.
He's very fat to buy a suit in ready-to-wear.
That's why he has only worn customized suits that are expensive.

But you don't have to worry about it when you come here.
There's a tailor who sells big-size suits at a reasonable price.
The New Fashion Clothing Store is close to Itaewon Station Exit 1 and has customized suits and ready-made clothes
We sell it, so you can buy clothes that suit your taste.

You don't have to worry about wearing bigger sizes than others.
If you're worried about the size because you're big, I don't think there's a tailor like this.
No matter how big a size is, it's solved here.
If it doesn't work out here, it won't work anywhere else.

If you have money and have time, a custom-made suit is great.
But if you need clothes urgently, there's nothing like ready-made clothes.
The reason why I like New Fashion Clothing is that I can buy any style of suit.
We're preparing all sizes.

The boss suggests custom-fit suits rather than expensive custom-made suits, but this is really good.
There won't be many places to buy big-size suits at this price.
People who wear custom-made suits also buy custom-fit suits when they come here.

Custom fit suits combine custom and ready-to-wear, which saves time and money
The fit looks like a custom-made suit, so it's popular.
Here, people who have tried a big-size suit set in custom fit suits will come back.
They say it's very cost-effective.

And there are few places where you can buy big-size suits as ready-to-wear.
I went to the outlet and couldn't buy it, and people are looking for it in Itaewon.
If you ask for a big size suit at the outlet, it's better to buy it at the Itaewon tailor's shop
They even tell us.

You can buy shoes, shirts, belts, ties, and suits at once, and the cost is not too high
My friend says it's good, too.
If you remember the New Fashion Suit Store as a place where you can quickly buy a big size suit set in Itaewon,
I think the time will come when we need it later.

Itaewon Leather Jacket Good Price and Design


It's in front of the Moon leather store that comes to mind when you think of leather jackets in Itaewon.
It's cheap, but it's also on sale often, so you can stop by when you come to Itaewon.
I'll draw it if it's cheap and the clothes aren't good, but the quality of the clothes here is really good.
If you see it in person, you may not understand why they sell it at such a low price.

It's a rider jacket, and I think it's probably the most sold jacket in Moon leather.
I think people who ride bikes will definitely buy it.
If you wear it stylishly, I think it's something you should pay attention to even if you don't have to ride a bike.

If you enter the Itaewon Moon leather store, you can see the leather jacket on sale right away.
We used to sell clothes that were left over, but now we can meet clothes in various sizes.
There is a subtle difference in jackets that look similar.

I heard that there is only one left, but honestly, I wanted to buy it.
I could have bought it if I had been on a good diet this year, but it's such a waste.
It looked good when I wore it to work.

I heard that shirt-type leather jackets are also popular these days.
I think it'll look cool if you wear it roughly in the fall, but there's a similar design.
I think they sell three or four kinds, but if you're curious about a shirt-type leather jacket, you can buy it in Itaewon Moon leather
You can try it on if you go.

This is a rare leather jacket made of deer leather.
Maybe that's why it was a little more expensive than a sheepskin jacket.
I heard that they made it custom-made and they had it as a sample, but I definitely only looked at the sheepskin jacket
The deer leather jacket has a different vibe.

Leather suits are also unique.
I've rarely seen anyone wear a leather suit.
I sometimes saw it in dramas and movies, but it smells like America in real life.
It is said that foreigners usually visit, and entertainment agencies often ask for orders.

Looking at the Itaewon leather jacket, autumn seems to be slowly approaching.
The reason why the Moon leather is good is because they told me that leather clothes are not expensive.
The price of clothes is very high these days, but the Moon leather jacket is hardly burdensome.
There are a lot of clothes on sale and new products are cheap, so if you go to Itaewon, make sure to look at the leather jacket.

A big suit that you can wear warmly in the winter


I came to the Sunstar tailor shop where my friend wants to go at least once.
I also needed a men's suit style in winter.
Even if it's not an expensive luxury brand, the quality above the price is excellent.
It's so reasonable that it's hard to think of the price of a suit set.

It's a coat that I kept looking at my friend saying I liked it so much.
It was decent and sophisticated, but it didn't lead to purchase.
I'm not here to buy a coat. I'll wear it from tomorrow.
I'm here to see the men's suit style.

Winter has begun in earnest, so it's good to wear a coat in a way.
However, when you look at the subway landscape these days, you can see more people wearing long padding.
Maybe in February, when the weather gets warmer, I think I'll wear a lot of coats then.

You can easily find the Sunstar tailor shop by walking out of Exit 4 of Itaewon Station.
There are many tailor shops in Itaewon, but there are few places like this.
It's a place where you wear customized suits and ready-to-wear at the same time, so you don't have to wear

My friend is carefully examining the male suit style that looks good.
Ready-to-wear clothes suitable for the time and place were distinguished, but the design was diverse.
You can buy a set of tops and bottoms for 300,000 won, but you can't be jealous of customized suits at this price.
I'll just think about it.

It is a place where large foreigners often come, so big size is basic.
Not only suits but also coats and shoes are available for shopping at once.
Department stores have separate clothing stores and shoe stores, so it's a hassle to shop.
You don't have to do that here.
So it's easy to shop and nice.

The thick suit, which is good to wear in winter, stood out for its sophistication.
My friend tried it on and said it was warm and I liked it.
I've seen everything from ready-made suits to shoes and coats, and I admit that the price is nice.


If you look closely at the clothes, it doesn't seem much different from the department store.
I understand that my friend came to Itaewon to buy a suit.
He said he bought a suit to dress warmly, but forgot to buy a shirt.
So, he is planning to visit again soon.

Moon leahter where you can buy lambswool mustang


I'm here to find a real wool Mustang jacket to wear in winter.
I used to buy it at shopping malls or outlets if I liked it.
Now, I think I'm looking for a specialty store because it's cheaper than the brand.
I think such a place is like a Moon leather in Itaewon.

There are customers coming in because of the sale, but in the winter, leather hats...
There seems to be a lot of people who like it.
The price is 20,000 won, but you can see numerous styles of leather hats.
The design and quality are good and the price is good.

If there is a coat in the fall, there is a real wool mustang jacket in the winter.
I looked into the price and style before, so I tried it on today and bought it right away.
Mustang is a little heavier than other leather jackets.
Still, I'm satisfied that the design and price are reasonable.

The rider jacket worn when riding a bike is stylish, so I always covet it.
If I buy it now, I don't think I'll be able to wear it a lot in the cold.
However, it's very good for warmer weather.
It's not expensive, but I always wear it and turn around with regret.
I don't ride bikes.

Leather jackets have similar styles, but women's jackets and coats have unique designs.
The price is cheaper than men's jackets, but most of them are custom-made.
When it comes to style alone, women have a wide range of choices in clothes.
There are a lot of fancy clothes.

I already bought a real wool mustang jacket, but I also liked the leather padded jacket.
It wasn't thick and felt light, and I think it would prevent the cold well.
I think the style will be completed even if I wear it roughly, but I just checked how much it costs.

I don't know why I like this.
It doesn't fit my age, but it's so cool.
I think it'll be a hot prize for those who value fashion.
For some reason, I also want to be a fashionable person.

As time goes by, I think this winter is getting colder.
I think it's good to have a warm real wool Mustang jacket in winter.
I think you can wear it every winter because it's not trendy.
I hope it snows like winter weather, but I don't think there's any news of snow yet.